Thursday, May 1, 2014

Site needs donations and professional webmasters help, please


Thank you guys for your response on this matter, 2 more months of seedbox have been paid off a few first donations... I will get in touch with donators personally later on the weekend. Feel free to comment...and click "download" button in your Torrent client if you haven't done so yet.. I hate seeing many of the movies not active :)

Hello, my dear visitors :)

It's been quite a long time since I started distributing the movies via Torrent protocol... Probably many of visitors didn't like the idea and are not visiting the blog anymore, but in my humble opinion that was the only way to keep posting the movies in wake of closure and change of terms of main 1-click Webhosters I used to use, like previously very popular Rapidshare or Megaupload.

I know that blog is not very appealing in terms of graphics, layout and amount of materials that still need to be re-uploaded, but without a professional help from skilled webmasters and graphics and without a day changing to at least 48 hours, that is all I can do with current amount of time and resources to my availability.

However, I still keep on upgrading and adding to my old and classic movies collection, which in last month exceeded a terabyte of data with idea of adding more and more of them on more frequent basis. To allow me to do that, I'd like to ask you, my dear visitors to help me cover some of the costs of seedbox, where the files are placed and from where they can be obtained on 99.9% of time, even if no other seeders exists.

Monthly cost of running my current seedbox is around 26 $, which may not seem as a huge amount of money, but any help in this regard is highly appreciated. I can't offer too much for any of the donators, but idea I got is that for any donation received, the donator can ask for any of the movie from the site, even if not available at the time, to be re-uploaded in faster manner, or make a reasonable request of material that is not available on the site at all, but is not too rare or to obscure to be found over the internet, but on other occasion could probably never be posted here. I wont't be able to fulfill all the requests one could have or promise superb quality if no good source is existing, but I will try to do my best. And for first donator of 5 $ or more, I will send a DVD with his/her choice of any material currently on site, anywhere in the world. Of course 4.3 GB of DVD data is not much but usually enough for 2-3 movies in quite good quality, so it is here for grabs.

I dont intend to make money off any donations I might receive and all donated funds will be distributed solely for purpose of maintaing monthly costs of seedbox, for which necessary proof will be provided.

I would also like to ask any experienced webmasters and/or graphics that may visit the blog for help in maintaning site source, layout or even making a completely new site with same content, after unfortunate event of previously existing .info domain, which unfortunately went out of my control after not renewing it on time

Any queries, issues, remarks or comments regarding these issues are highly welcomed in comments and Paypal e-mail for any donations: onlyoldmovies [at] hotmail [dot] com (of course replace [at] with " and [dot] with . - this is to prevent spam bots from sending tons of unwanted spam messages

Thanks for hearing me out and awaiting your comments

Regards, Admin


Anonymous said...

Dear Admin,

Just read today's post. Since I don't have the means to donate, I am here to express my hope that others will be able to chip in.

Thank you for your continuous work and time.

Wishing you all the best,


Anonymous said...

Hello! I love your site! Got a lot of great stuff from you and you do a superb job encoding. I will be making a donation next week for you, I'm just waiting on a check to come. Thanks for your effort!

norberto antonio fernandez said...

Estimado amigo: el trabajo que está usted haciendo es magnífico.

Lamentablemente en mi país (Argentina) por cuestiones económicas, es sumamente difícil girar dinero al exterior por lo que me es imposible ayudarlo. Realmente lo lamento pues aprecio mucho lo que está usted haciendo. Un gran saludo

anarxaki said...

My dear friend,
You probably don't remember me, we used to chat a long time ago, when Rapidshare was a good investment. :P
Life lead us to completely different directions, I've read about you moving to another country, I moved myself a few times and now, our roads cross again with me commenting on your blog.

I've probably never downloaded anything from you. The movies are too old for my taste but I had to follow you because your effort and commitment to this hobby was superb. Sites come and go, they close, they run our of money, but you are always here. I admire you.

I'm Greek, I'm 2 years unemployed but I can contribute a small insignificant amount. I want nothing in return, just the reassurement that what you do still gives you satisfaction and it has not become a burden.
I've been in your place (as an uploader) and I've left everything behind 2 years ago, when life got too harsh to spent my time on movies.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything. And keep up the good work!
I'll be there again next month. You deserve a lot more.

Paul said...

And again! Thanks for everything.Keep up the good work! And Thanks for Bachelor Mother! My download just finished